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Safety-TCA Toolbox Talks

TCA Toolbox Talks is a bi-weekly newsletter for members of the Texas Construction Safety Group.

If you want to improve safe work practices among your employees, and reduce your claims costs, register for TCA’s bi-weekly Toolbox Talks. Each single-topic Toolbox Talks is:

Free. Toolbox Talks are a benefit of your Texas Mutual® coverage and enrollment in the TCA Safety Group. They are also available free to all TCA members.
Multipurpose. Each one-page Toolbox Talks includes a short safety message and discussion questions on the first page. The second page is a poster you can display to keep the news alive during the workday.
Test your employees. Each Toolbox Talks includes a quiz you can use to make sure your employees understand the safety message presented.
Short. Supervisors can hold safety meetings in as little as five minutes.
Convenient. Bi-weekly, we’ll send a new Toolbox Talks to your inbox.
Available in English and Spanish. We’ll send both versions to accommodate your diverse workforce needs.

Send an email to with Toolbox Talks in the subject line. In the body of your email, give us the following information:

Company name | Person to receive the Toolbox Talks | Email address


Click HERE for the latest Toolbox Talks.


Flammable Materials

Preventing Worksite Distractions