The Texas Construction Association is a membership organization dedicated to creating and maintaining a vibrant and prosperous business climate in Texas to support the Texas construction industry.
Founded in 1998, and located in Austin, Texas, TCA's current make-up includes seventeen member associations with chapters across Texas as well as other, direct members of TCA. Our members, representing over 3,000 Texas businesses, contribute to one of the largest sectors of the state's economy.
TCA's two main focal points are Education and Government Affairs. TCA works to educate our members through the dissemination of information on a variety of topics such as workers' compensation, insurance, liability, mechanic's liens, and, through TCA's Safety Group, information our members can use to ensure safer working environments. Additionally, TCA works in cooperation with other associations, both in and out of the construction industry, to advocate for legislative reforms to improve the ability for specialty contractors and suppliers to grow their businesses.
The Association is governed by a Board of Directors led by a Chairman elected from the membership. The TCA Staff in Austin stands ready to support our members and serve as a resource for anyone interested in the Texas construction industry.
At TCA, when our members work together, powerful things happen! For more information on membership, click here.